Like A Lion

Kathi Pelton: “March Will Come in Like a Lamb but Go Out Like a Lion!”

In 2020 the Lord gave me what He called, “The Three Rs for 2020.” Those three “Rs” were the words “Remnant, Ruach (which means Breath of God) and Roar.”

They became the three themes that I saw overlaid in all that was taking place. Though the world had entered a global pandemic and my nation (the United States of America) had entered a new type of civil war, the global remnant was moving in the Ruach and Roar of God! It was a sound that called us together as a global Ecclesia and empowered us, through His breath, to release His mighty roar.

As we moved into the first two months of 2021, it was as if the sound ceased, the breath was held and the remnant was suddenly hidden from sight. But there is something happening in this third month of 2021. Can you feel the shaking beneath your feet? Can you feel the atmosphere beginning to tremble with the fear of the Lord? And can you hear the rattling of the dry bones beginning to move?

Going Out Like a Lion – Release Your Sound

There is a saying that says, “March comes in like a lion but goes out like a lamb.” This is a line from an old English proverb that refers to how March often begins with extremely harsh weather but ends with mild weather. But the Lord spoke the reverse to me; He said, “March will come in like a lamb but will go out like a lion!”

I saw a vision of a tiny newborn lamb trying to rise. This newborn lamb was soft and pure white. It was making the tiny sound that made me think of what new life would sound like. I asked the Lord, “Who is this lamb?” And He replied, “My reborn ones.” I saw that something deep had occurred spiritually that caused a rebirthing in His remnant, where they emerged white as snow, tender (soft) in their hearts and with the faith of a child.

Then the vision changed and I was suddenly taken back into an encounter that I had a few years back. In this encounter I was a small, white lamb standing on a hillside looking down upon the walled city of Jericho. The voice of the Lord came to me and said, “Go down to the city and release your sound.”    In this encounter I remember thinking, “I’m just a lamb and my sound is so very small.” But the voice of the Lord came once again and said, “Go down to the city and release your sound.”

I began walking timidly toward the city and as I walked I noticed a large shadow over top of me that I thought was a moving canopy. In my peripheral view, I could see what appeared to be large poles moving with me as well. My first thought was that the Lord was covering me with His canopy of protection as I (in the form of this small lamb) was moving toward this walled city.

When I was finally close to the city I heard Him say, “Now, release your sound.” I opened my mouth, fully expecting the tiny bleat of a lamb to come forth, but what came forth was the loudest lion’s roar I had ever heard. The sound caused the walls of this fortified city to crumble and the enemy (that held the city captive) scattered in every direction in absolute fear.

Look Up! He Is With You, Always

Then, as this encounter continued, I suddenly found myself on a battlefield before an enormous enemy army. Standing front and center (at a distance) before me was the great giant, Goliath. Again I heard the words, “Go and stand before this giant and release your sound.”

As I began to move forward, the taunts and mockery from the army and from the giant were growing louder and louder. Yet, once again I noticed the shadow over me and the “poles” beside me as I walked forward (still in the form of a small lamb). When I was finally standing directly in front of the giant I heard the voice of the Lord say, “Look up.” I looked up and what I thought was a canopy of protection covering me was actually the under-belly of the largest lion I had ever seen. Then I looked and what I had thought were the poles where actually his four massive legs. I knew that the Lion of Judah had been walking with me (over me) the entire time.

With this new understanding, faith and confidence filled me, for the Lion was much larger than the giant that stood before me. Then He said, “Release your sound.” Once again as I opened my mouth to release my sound, what came forth was the roar of the Lion of Judah. The giant fell to his death and the enemy army ran in fear from that place where they had mocked me. Then I heard Him speak these words: “I am with you – always!”

Then I was back in the vision that began this morning (March 8, 2021), when I saw the newborn, pure-white lamb that had been reborn. As I re-experienced the encounter from a few year back, so did this lamb. Then, suddenly, the lamb rose to its feet and took on the identity of the Lion of Judah.   It took on the appearance, the sound and the power of the Lion of Judah. This vision ended with the words “March will come in like a lamb but go out like a Lion.”

With this, I saw the three “Rs” from 2020 (Remnant, Ruach and Roar), and a fourth “R” was added—RISE! March will prove to be a month where we rise again! Like Jesus coming forth from the grave, the remnant will feel the breath of God, hear the roar of the Lion of Judah, and we will RISE AGAIN!

Kathi Pelton
Inscribe Ministries


First published on The Elijah List.

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Be Glad Of The Prophets

This is a very important prophetic evaluation of recent US and world history, the place of God’s prophets generally, and in today’s political scene.

You should definitely not miss this interview called ‘Vision Of Presidents!

Robin D Bullock reveals the history of this revelation, dating back to a vision sequence that began for him in 1992.  He brings it through the recent history of America, the Middle East and China to the present day.

Do not turn away from this information – you will be glad you watched the below video: it is powerful.  Many things leapt out of it to me, and I was delighted also to see the application Robin gives for the warfare items of the ‘Full Armor Of God’, and his exposition of the five-fold ministry (Ephesians 4:11).

Humble your heart to hear this amazing word – AND BE VERY ENCOURAGED:

Note: It has been pointed out elsewhere that President G H W Bush took office before President Clinton. I do not believe that observation in any way affects the validity of the revelation or its interpretation.  Prophetic dreams and visions are timeless – I see G H W Bush’s position in this vision as of one looking forward with horror at what was to follow after his presidency – being played out in the next room.


The Fall Of Deception

“Now as Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, ‘Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?’

“And He answered and said to them: ‘Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.’” (Matthew 24:3-6)

The question asked by the disciples was couched in very broad terms – Jesus could have highlighted anything as the most important issue as He opened His reply.   He could have talked first about wars and rumors of wars, He could have drawn attention first to pestilences, famines, and earthquakes in various places.

But He did not. His first priority was Deception.

If ever there was a time of deception on a massive scale, it is now: deception is being served up for breakfast, lunch and dinner by the mainstream media and Big Tech.  Remember how on the night of 3 November the media was trying to announce a win for Biden early on before counting stopped?  How did that happen?  Trump clearly had a majority at that stage.

It happened because the media knew there was going to be a jack-up in the results.

Twitter, Facebook and YouTube have come out in brazen censorship.  Google censors and tweaks search results all the time – under cover.  Big Tech giants like Amazon are trying to squelch Parler.

The media are not only serving up a false narrative, they are doing all they can to force you to read it!

Deception in the news has has continued unabated since the run-up to the 2016 election – and if you have not been seeking other sources of information, you will be none the wiser.   I have linked alternative sources of news in most of my recent posts. To catch up with those sources, click HERE and scroll to the bottom.

Stand By The Word

God comes at midnight – that much we know for sure from many passages in scripture. We also know He is not bound by our concepts of time and what we with our tiny minds consider to be appropriate action on His part. If there was one thing I would say to anyone flailing about right now in uncertainty and disbelief – it would be this:

Stop trying to Second Guess the Lord!

Accept that we do not have the depth of understanding, power, or wisdom to figure out what He is going to do – so trying to figure it out and inject our own weak perceptions into this situation and getting bitter over it when they do not come to pass, is the height of PRIDE against our all-knowing, merciful heavenly Father.

And pride is a sin that calls for repentance.

Already Big Tech moguls are learning their pride will meet its recompense.  Twitter stocks are falling (by 12% some days ago), and it’s estimated the Twitter-Facebook conglomerate has lost approx US$51 M.  Their censorship of freedom of speech stands condemned by leaders of nations across the globe.  People are waking up at last – and it’s not before time!   The depth of the swamp is being revealed.

Realize this: It is taking time partly because so many have just not WANTED to see it.  But God is thorough. He will sort the wheat from the chaff.

God Remembered His Covenant

When the Israelites were in bondage in Egypt, the Bible says, “God remembered His covenant.” This is not saying He forgot it in the intervening years. He had His reasons for taking action at the time He did.

It is even so now.  He made a covenant with the American nation that is enshrined in the US Constitution.  Do you think He will not honor that?  Even though many ‘woke’ (ie Leninist) people in your nation are refusing to honor it?

I urge you to watch this discussion just released on Flashpoint. You will be encouraged – especially by the words of Hank Kunneman and Lance Wallnau – and by the salvation work being done right now by Mario Murillo in California.  If you are short of time, the action starts at 18.00.

Those that walk by faith and not by sight will be richly rewarded.

“God’s eyes run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.”  (2 Chronicles 16:9)

Where will He find YOU?

What Is Coming

We are at a watershed moment.  Freedoms in America are being cut down.  The worst and the best are coming to the surface, and we face troubling times during the next 9 days.

I cannot urge you too strongly to ditch the Mainstream Media outlets.  If you follow their reporting, you are going to be upset and seriously misled.  At the bottom of this post I have some alternative suggestions – please do not take this lightly.  The enemy is getting rattled, and you can be sure he is going to manifest in lies, attacks and empty pyrotechnics.  Not pretty.

The battle for America’s freedom is heating up, but keep your faith, keep your courage and above all, be not dismayed.  God will bring out His truth in this – that is His purpose.

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.  (Isaiah 41:10)

Do not be in disbelief at the depth of this swamp: it has been growing secretly over many years, and only a powerful shaking from the hand of the Almighty can overcome it now.

Watch this video from a channel I respect::

Bear in mind, this deception has been long in the making.  Many, including the Mainstream Media, have promoted deception as truth.  Refusal of the States to reveal information – even on subpoena, and of the courts (including the Supreme Court), to adjudicate the matter at all has made it impossible to bring truth to light.

Evidence about the US Presidential electoral fraud has come before the courts in Rome, Italy.  But NOT ONE SCRAP of evidence has had a fair hearing in the USA.  That speaks volumes.  For links about the Italian case, see my earlier post.

I believe the advice in the above video is excellent: draw close to the Lord in prayer – and do not rely on regular news sources.

If you really HAVE to consult something:

Free yourself from deception by totally avoiding the following media outlets which have become leftist propaganda machines – CNN, MSN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, even some parts of FOX.    Also beware of The New York Times and The Washington Post – they have NO commitment to independent reporting (USAGM video).

Instead, check out The Epoch Times, NewsWars, Newsmax, NTD News, One America News.   Also Tierney Real News Network aggregation of news (a private site but WORTH LOOKING AT). I see their Facebook page has been closed down – that speaks for itself.

Be sure to look also at Deep Capture – classical liberal overview from a tech perspective.

In the light of new leftist censorship by YouTube and Twitter, many patriot channels are moving to Rumble and Parler     In the last 24 hours, Parler also has been censored by Apple and Google removing their app., and by Amazon cancelling their hosting service.

We are on the brink of a totalitarian regime!

Christian: Breaking Christian News, CBN, Victory Update

Check the following: Troubling Foreign Ties Behind Voting Machines Used In US. Also Tucker on How China Owns Biden and has Deep Connections with Top Democrat Officials If the whole thing does not play, go to YouTube.

A Nation

This is a tough scripture from Isaiah:

“For the nation or kingdom that will not serve you will perish; it will be utterly destroyed.” (Isaiah 60:12)

There are people who will leap up and down about these words, claiming ‘political incorrectness’ and goodness knows what else.

But for evidence of where ‘political correctness’ and all the other Marxist/Socialist buzzwords have taken us, let us look at the events of January 6 on Capitol Hill, and what REALLY went on.

Clear evidence is emerging that those who led the break-in were Antifa/BLM – abetted, it seems, by the police on duty.  It appears this whole drama was planned and orchestrated to lay blame on Trump and his followers, to disrupt and take attention from the vote counting process of Congress, and to send a clearly threatening message to the representatives in the House – or some of them, at least.

It worked!  The riot had its effect – and as a result we see a hurried confirmation of a candidate chosen by the worst rigged, unlawful election ever to have taken place in US history.  Because of continual stonewalling by the US courts, evidence of the fraud has not been adjudicated in the US.

BUT check this independent report just released from court proceedings in Rome, Italy about criminal cyber activity surrounding the US electoral machines on November 3rd.  See also my previous post ‘How Coronavirus Swung The Election’ for some further information about unlawful international involvement in the 2020 US Election process.

I am going to hand this post over to a word issued by Rick Joyner today (January 8).  I trust he will not object to my using part of it.  You can read the whole message HERE.

Valley of Decision

“The world is being brought to the “Valley of Decision” where all will have to choose between the light and darkness, good and evil, truth and lies. We are in the times that will separate the wheat from the chaff, and the nations as sheep or goats.

“It is not just the U.S. that is headed for civil war. All of the social fault lines in civilization are having tremors, and we can expect increasing divisions with these social earthquakes. At the same time, the greatest unity will be coming to God’s true followers. The most glorious event on Earth that is now happening is the Bride of Christ beginning to make herself ready for Him. This is why we are promised that the glory of the latter house will be greater than the former.

“As we move deeper into these times the consequences of our decisions, or failure to make them, will be increasing as well. Your decision to follow the Lord with all of your heart, and take your stand for righteousness and against wickedness, could turn the tide of battle for the soul of your city or country. All who live in these times will ultimately be either a hero or a villain. Very soon no one will be able to sit on the sidelines.

The decisions we make today could determine whether we are strong enough to make the right ones later. As we approach the end of this age the importance of every decision and every action will be magnified. This means that what will bear good fruit will bear more, and what will bear bad fruit will also bear more….”  (Rick Joyner, The Elijah List, Jan 8 2021)

Down To The Wire

I feel God will not allow the current evil to stand. Though He has pledged to allow mankind free will, we know from history that He DOES act when things get out of control.  I have also felt for some time that God will not tolerate Biden and his cronies in the White House.

People and nations are being shown the outcomes of following the path of evil, in order to give an opportunity for repentance, before it is too late.  Joshua, the great warrior and leader who took over from Moses, said:

“…choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:15)

Do not think, “I am in charge of me – I don’t serve anyone.” That is self-deception.  As Bob Dylan so rightly said, “You gotta serve somebody”.  Follow that with Jesus’ statement, “He who is not for me is against me.” (Matthew 12:30)  HE is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

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A Christmas Message Of Hope, Joy and Prophetic Defiance

Are you exhausted from the relentless stream of bad news? Do you need to shake off the emotional roller coaster and raging disappointment that is 2020?

The devil said, “This will be the worst Christmas of your life.” The evil one said, “You will not have joy, hope, and family warmth this year.”

What A Lie !

Are you ready for an industrial strength Christmas—a Christmas of prophetic defiance? Are you ready to understand how God drops the hammer on evil? He does it when evil least expects it.

I take you back two thousand and twenty years to the bed chamber of the most powerful man in the world. Listen carefully, Barack Obama, George Soros, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Oprah—this one’s for you…

It was in the bed chamber of the most powerful man in the world that globalism was hatched. A sinister plot that was worldwide and unstoppable. Augustus Caesar decided to make everyone go back to their place of birth and register. This was the first global database. This was the first attempt to harvest everyone’s private information in order to collect their money and control their lives.

All of his plans would have worked, except for one thing: Prophecy. Now I am going to tell you something that might take a little thought. But the thinking it requires will reap a great reward of peace and a deep sense of purpose….


Do Not Concede!

A new video has been posted on Elijah Streams that the people of God need to watch and pay attention to.

In it Steve Shultz interviews Hank Kunneman of One Voice Ministries about the current situation with the US Elections.

Hank deals with a lot of questions that are being tossed around right now, and in particular the doubts and fears being raised in people’s minds by the works of the Enemy through the Mainstream Media.  He also deals with the criticisms being cast against the prophets by these fake news outlets.

The overall message of this video is: “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.  The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”  (Exodus 14:13-14) 

Many are wavering in fear and submission to the Enemy at this time.  Resist this attack – Satan is trying to draw a veil over the eyes of the Church, in addition to the mask he has already tried to apply to the mouths of the saints.

I advise you to watch this video, and be encouraged and instructed.  Hank Kunneman has a history of accurate prophecy, going back to the days of Kim Clement – and he draws all this out – including a prophetic word from August 22 2019 about thumb drives.  WoW!

This is a message of longstanding prophecy, of God’s faithfulness, and of hope for America and the world in the coming decade.

Trust God’s timing!

To the above information, I add the following advice re having wisdom to discern these US election times:

Check the latest: Troubling Foreign Ties Behind Voting Machines Used In US. Also Tucker on How China Owns Biden and has Deep Connections with Top Democrat Officials If the whole thing does not play, find it on YouTube.

Free yourself from deception by totally avoiding the following media outlets which have now become leftist propaganda machines – CNN, MSN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, even some parts of Fox. Also beware of The New York Times and The Washington Post – both have lost all commitment to independent reporting (USAGM video).

Instead, check out NewsWars, NewsmaxNTD News, The Epoch Times, One America News, Voice Of America, USAGM – for starters. Also Tierney Real News Network aggregation of news (a private site but WELL WORTH LOOKING AT). Especially their post HERE. I see their Facebook page has been closed down – that speaks for itself.

Be sure to look also at Deep Capture – classical liberal overview from a tech perspective.

Christian: Breaking Christian News, CBN, Victory Update

SCOTUS Docket forces States to respond – video