Like A Lion

Kathi Pelton: “March Will Come in Like a Lamb but Go Out Like a Lion!”

In 2020 the Lord gave me what He called, “The Three Rs for 2020.” Those three “Rs” were the words “Remnant, Ruach (which means Breath of God) and Roar.”

They became the three themes that I saw overlaid in all that was taking place. Though the world had entered a global pandemic and my nation (the United States of America) had entered a new type of civil war, the global remnant was moving in the Ruach and Roar of God! It was a sound that called us together as a global Ecclesia and empowered us, through His breath, to release His mighty roar.

As we moved into the first two months of 2021, it was as if the sound ceased, the breath was held and the remnant was suddenly hidden from sight. But there is something happening in this third month of 2021. Can you feel the shaking beneath your feet? Can you feel the atmosphere beginning to tremble with the fear of the Lord? And can you hear the rattling of the dry bones beginning to move?

Going Out Like a Lion – Release Your Sound

There is a saying that says, “March comes in like a lion but goes out like a lamb.” This is a line from an old English proverb that refers to how March often begins with extremely harsh weather but ends with mild weather. But the Lord spoke the reverse to me; He said, “March will come in like a lamb but will go out like a lion!”

I saw a vision of a tiny newborn lamb trying to rise. This newborn lamb was soft and pure white. It was making the tiny sound that made me think of what new life would sound like. I asked the Lord, “Who is this lamb?” And He replied, “My reborn ones.” I saw that something deep had occurred spiritually that caused a rebirthing in His remnant, where they emerged white as snow, tender (soft) in their hearts and with the faith of a child.

Then the vision changed and I was suddenly taken back into an encounter that I had a few years back. In this encounter I was a small, white lamb standing on a hillside looking down upon the walled city of Jericho. The voice of the Lord came to me and said, “Go down to the city and release your sound.”    In this encounter I remember thinking, “I’m just a lamb and my sound is so very small.” But the voice of the Lord came once again and said, “Go down to the city and release your sound.”

I began walking timidly toward the city and as I walked I noticed a large shadow over top of me that I thought was a moving canopy. In my peripheral view, I could see what appeared to be large poles moving with me as well. My first thought was that the Lord was covering me with His canopy of protection as I (in the form of this small lamb) was moving toward this walled city.

When I was finally close to the city I heard Him say, “Now, release your sound.” I opened my mouth, fully expecting the tiny bleat of a lamb to come forth, but what came forth was the loudest lion’s roar I had ever heard. The sound caused the walls of this fortified city to crumble and the enemy (that held the city captive) scattered in every direction in absolute fear.

Look Up! He Is With You, Always

Then, as this encounter continued, I suddenly found myself on a battlefield before an enormous enemy army. Standing front and center (at a distance) before me was the great giant, Goliath. Again I heard the words, “Go and stand before this giant and release your sound.”

As I began to move forward, the taunts and mockery from the army and from the giant were growing louder and louder. Yet, once again I noticed the shadow over me and the “poles” beside me as I walked forward (still in the form of a small lamb). When I was finally standing directly in front of the giant I heard the voice of the Lord say, “Look up.” I looked up and what I thought was a canopy of protection covering me was actually the under-belly of the largest lion I had ever seen. Then I looked and what I had thought were the poles where actually his four massive legs. I knew that the Lion of Judah had been walking with me (over me) the entire time.

With this new understanding, faith and confidence filled me, for the Lion was much larger than the giant that stood before me. Then He said, “Release your sound.” Once again as I opened my mouth to release my sound, what came forth was the roar of the Lion of Judah. The giant fell to his death and the enemy army ran in fear from that place where they had mocked me. Then I heard Him speak these words: “I am with you – always!”

Then I was back in the vision that began this morning (March 8, 2021), when I saw the newborn, pure-white lamb that had been reborn. As I re-experienced the encounter from a few year back, so did this lamb. Then, suddenly, the lamb rose to its feet and took on the identity of the Lion of Judah.   It took on the appearance, the sound and the power of the Lion of Judah. This vision ended with the words “March will come in like a lamb but go out like a Lion.”

With this, I saw the three “Rs” from 2020 (Remnant, Ruach and Roar), and a fourth “R” was added—RISE! March will prove to be a month where we rise again! Like Jesus coming forth from the grave, the remnant will feel the breath of God, hear the roar of the Lion of Judah, and we will RISE AGAIN!

Kathi Pelton
Inscribe Ministries


First published on The Elijah List.

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