Church And State 1

I am going to make a statement that some will no doubt regard as very controversial.

Never mind.

We all need to be brought face to face with a different reality from time to time, and that is exactly what is happening in the world right now, for those who have the eyes and the wisdom to see it.

The view that the Church “should not be involved in politics” has been around for many years. It is a false doctrine that has emasculated Christ’s ecclesia for decades, and unfortunately we are seeing the results running rampant in the world – centered for now on the American political scene, where the greatest battle of all times (beyond even politics) is being played out before the eyes of the whole world.

And many in the Body Of Christ are busy excusing themselves from any form of engagement in this battle on the principle that the Church should not be involved in such matters.

This false doctrine has brought about a major dumbing down of the Church, and of the traditionally brave American psyche. It has allowed soulless, mindless leftist doctrine to take absolute hold of our Seven Mountains of Influence – media, government, education, economy, family, religion, and arts/entertainment – pretty much without any form of opposition from those who espouse traditional values.

Leftist organizations preach tolerance and equal rights. That is their ideology, aimed at winning votes. But the reality of leftist doctrine is intolerance, bigotry, suppression of all opposition, and the complete entrenchment of ‘The Party’. This is dominance at its worst – just look at any country that has been living for a period of time under any socialist rule: Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, China. Look at the poverty, death and oppression they inflict on their people. Don’t think it can’t happen to you.  Plans for it to happen are under way right now.

You Will Know Them By Their Fruits

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits.”

As always, Jesus cuts through the garbage and comes to the crux of the matter.

He continues, “Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them.“ (Matthew 7:15-20)

He was absolutely right. Anyone with half a brain who does their research diligently in this day and age can find  plenty of facts to exemplify this truth. We should be following it and teaching it to all young people, should we not?


In addition, we now have an extra problem. The left has taken control of the Seven Mountains – most dangerously the mountains of media and education:

  • Mainstream media no longer reports truth, no longer reports even 2 sides of the story – it has become an exclusively left propaganda machine, suppressing all other information.;
  • Education has become indoctrination. Young people are being taught to hate everything that America and the free world stands for, and even worse they are NOT being taught to think for themselves. An exclusive propaganda machine in schools and colleges.
(c) 2006 Bonnie Jacobs

One-Eyed Vision

The great danger in all this is a one-sided view of the world.

The first colonists of America came fleeing from British oppression – high taxation, religious persecution. The American Constitution was based on godly principles.  Note I didn’t say ‘religious principles’ – what human religion did over the centuries to the principles laid out by Christ has at times been horrific.   But that fact does not invalidate what He stood for, nor the power of His message to bring healing and peace.

Truth is, we have fallen off the track – on both sides:

  • On one hand, we fell into godlessness and prayerlessness – hung up on Marxist/Socialist doctrines or sheer uncaring greed and egotistic self-determination.
  • On the other hand we fell into legalism – insistence by certain sectors of the Church that it is the Church’s business to stay out of politics, indulge itself in doctrinal argument, hunker down in its precious Church buildings, and weather the storm in seclusion.  In other words, don’t rock the boat.  Does this not remind you of ‘the Jews’ in Jesus’ day?

Clearly, neither of these options is the answer.

Thank God for His current intervention in the situation, at the invitation of His thousands of praying saints (many of whom, I believe do not belong to established ‘churches’). We need to get back to the real roots on which the mountain of politics was established by God’s grace in the USA – the words of the American Constitution.

I am not advocating ‘control by religion’ – heaven forbid!  I am advocating a fair and free exchange of the ideals of citizens working together under the principles set out in a fair and unbiased legal document, such as the US Constitution.

NOTE:  The concept of ‘separation of powers’ is a purely political concept, by which government is organized into legislative, executive and judicial branches.  It has nothing to do with the position of the church – although it may have contributed to the spurious interpretation of ‘separation of church and state’.

More to follow.

A Mighty Move Of God

On May 5 2019, I posted a message on Jesus’ words in Mark 5:36, Be not afraid, only believe.”  It was before the world had any inkling of Covid-19, which alone would have been enough of a plateful for one year.

Little did most of us know that story was just the beginning. Now we are faced also with a massive crisis in the American electoral system with serious ramifications, not only for the US but also for the rest of the free world.  The above quote has become even more appropriate.

Creatures Surfacing From The Swamp

  • A recently leaked document reveals that the CCP has realized the Western World is waking up, and put out directions to CCP operatives in a number of countries to destroy evidence of their activities. Countries affected include US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. This information is not something dreamed up by wishful thinking US patriots – it comes directly out of the dragon’s own mouth!   China’s plots and schemes have been revealed by its own actions.  Read More.
  • Evidence has also surfaced about activities of Chinese spies in intelligence gathering and political influence in the US.   See this interview with a former senior U.S. intelligence official and author of the book ‘Chinese Intelligence Operations’.
  • A further report has just been published about undercover CCP surveillance on Americans’ private mobile phones. Here is a short excerpt from The Guardian:

“The Chinese cyberattacks targeted tens of thousands of U.S. mobile users from 2018 to 2020, Gary Miller, the report’s author and a former mobile network security executive, told The Guardian.

“Once you get into the tens of thousands, the attacks qualify as mass surveillance, which is primarily for intelligence collection and not necessarily targeting high-profile targets,” Miller said. “It might be that there are locations of interest, and these occur primarily while people are abroad.”

That the attacks were routed through a state-controlled operator indicates a state-sanctioned espionage campaign, Miller told the outlet.” Read More.

Mainstream Media Has Forsaken Its Mandate

The full extent of the evil behind the stealing of the 2020 Presidential Election is still unfolding. And there’s another problem compounding that: the swamp is so deep, it hampers efforts to get at the truth and prove how very deadly this whole situation is.  Mainstream Media has forsaken its mandate as an independent news source for the people.

The mainstream media is into denial and issuing cover-up lies – and media, unfortunately, has always been a big influencer.   But more and more the public is becoming aware, and seeking other, more trustworthy sources of news (see below).  Also, bear in mind the media does not get to choose the US President – whatever they may think.


The US judicial system has proved itself  lacking as a bastion of truth, with states’ judiciaries and even the Supreme Court hedging away from making definitive decisions on the facts.  Are the justices unwilling to put their lives and families on the line (death threats), or are they also compromised and would rather not be found out?  Both of these possibilities are a very sad commentary on the state of the nation.

A Mighty Move Of God

It will take a mighty move of God to overcome all this evil and darkness – and it’s no good for Christians to sit back and do nothing, expecting miracles to happen, or floundering in unbelief.

First of all, we need to recognize that MIRACLES ARE HAPPENING as all this information comes to light – this is the first essential step to dealing with the crime that has overtaken the electoral system.   We need to be GIVING THANKS for these revelations as they occur. 

Gratitude opens the floodgates to further good (1 Thess. 5:18)It opens the Father’s channels for further blessing.   But instead of putting out praise, many Christians are grumbling and getting into fear.  My Goodness!  Where are the warriors?  Where is the faith? 

It has been said a great cleanup is coming to the Church.  It looks like that is happening right now…

Spiritual Warfare – Paul The Evangelist

In his ministry, Paul had to deal with situations not far removed from what we see today. As he journeyed through the countries around the Mediterranean, he encountered much evil. 

Behind him, in Jerusalem, the Jewish elders were incensed that they had lost their greatest protagonist, and that he was preaching the gospel as he traveled from city to city. They pursued him, breathing destruction, from one synagogue to the next, stirring up trouble and having him haled before the local authorities. He was imprisoned, beaten and stoned a number of times – all the way across Asia Minor, through Macedonia and into Greece.

Within a few of the churches he established, there arose factions and dissension. Corinth in particular, with its cosmopolitan ways and many heathen religions, became a thorn in his side.   He suffered serious character assassination and several rivals rose up to try and subvert the work he had done there. We should pay attention when he says:

“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. “ (2 Corinthians 3-6)

So, what can Christians do? The answer is,

Put on the Full Armor of God and Pray!”

Specifically, use Intercessory Prayer, a mighty God-given weapon (see book in right sidebar – I get nothing for referring this). Call upon the Father’s fearsome and powerful heavenly hosts (warring angels) to take up arms with all might and power against the manifestations of evil, the lying and the devil’s works in the US political scene.   As illustrated in the artwork for this post, the heavenly hosts are in fact at the command of the saints, and we should be using their considerable power in Jesus’ name to bring about the destruction of all darkness and all evil manifestations in US politics.

In fact, Satan’s minions cannot withstand attacks by the heavenly host – the Lord has the upper hand power.  Where failure occurs it is in the lack of action by most Christians to get down to business and press in to MAKE USE OF the weapons we have been given.

The Enemy has established strongholds on the Seven Mountains of Influence over society—media, government, education, economy, family, religion, and arts and entertainment.  That is blatantly obvious today.  The same intercessory prayer weapon mentioned above for the political scene can be used towards the unseating of these malign principalities influencing all aspects of public life.

The problem with many churches is that they are shying away from doing anything, under the leadership of apostate pastors. One can only pray that the pastors will be led to repent – or at the very least that some of their flocks will see the light and take up arms in private prayer against this evil.  There is absolutely no excuse for failure to use the mighty weapons we have been given.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

Take that to heart!

To the above information, I add the following advice re having wisdom to discern these US election times:

Check the latest: Troubling Foreign Ties Behind Voting Machines Used In US. Also Tucker on How China Owns Biden and has Deep Connections with Top Democrat Officials If the whole thing does not play, find it on YouTube.

Free yourself from deception by totally avoiding the following media outlets which have now become leftist propaganda machines – CNN, MSN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, even some parts of Fox. Also beware of The New York Times and The Washington Post – both have lost all commitment to independent reporting (USAGM video).

Instead, check out NewsWars, Newsmax, NTD News, The Epoch Times, One America News, Voice Of America, USAGM – for starters. Also Tierney Real News Network aggregation of news (a private site but WELL WORTH LOOKING AT). I see their Facebook page has been closed down – that speaks for itself.

Be sure to look also at Deep Capture – classical liberal overview from a tech perspective.

In the light of new leftist censorship by YouTube, many patriot channels are moving to Rumble

Christian: Breaking Christian News, CBN, Victory Update


“… their foot shall slip in due time; for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things to come hasten upon them.”

In other words, there IS Justice, there IS a Truth, and its operation is ultimately in the hands of God.  (Deut 32:35)

Truth, according to many people involved in today’s push for change, is a moveable feast. Your truth is as valid as my truth; you are fully entitled to create your own truth, to set up your own rules, and to have TOTAL control over your own life. Blah … blah …

This revolution in thought sounds alluring – and that is the intention. It has been ‘in the works’ for many years, by the way. The problem is, those presenting it offer only one side of the story. We see this lopsided thinking playing out not only in education, but also in the daily realities of life – and, of course most noticeably on the political scene. Right now, America is having the greatest difficulty with uncovering the truth behind the current scandals in the 2020 US Election.

It’s not that these truths are not there – objective truths at that – ‘facts’ as the law calls them. The issue is that so many people have been led to believe that truth doesn’t really matter – that ‘near enough is good enough’ or even worse that lies are as good as truth.

And there are plenty of people right now telling one lie after another to cover their backsides and protect their position, wealth and power.

Some people in the US are saying, “Aaah, just let it be…”

What A Nation Stands For

That is a huge mistake. There is a national psyche – there is a national ethos at stake. It was originally enshrined in The American Constitution by men who really knew far more than the Constitution’s detractors do today.

That ethic has been allowed to slip over the years, and the current mess is the result. Some of this is deliberate, on the part of those in power who were and are still aiming for the country’s demise for what they see as their own benefit (it’s called treason).   Some of it is unintentional, in that the American people did not see or understand what was going on.  The Mainstream Media cabal is up to its elbows in blame for that, as more and more people are coming to realize.

For years USA has been under a two-pronged attack:

  • degrading the systems of America’s government and overseas policies, by former administrations, and
  • degrading the country’s educational process and moral standards, again by former administrations.

Note this recent article about long-term CCP investment in espionage operations to infiltrate U.S. politics.

The operation was “beautifully handled” in the way it combined both intelligence gathering and political influence, said Nicholas Eftimiades, a former senior U.S. intelligence official and author of the book “Chinese Intelligence Operations,” in an interview with The Epoch Times.

Note also:  Chinese Regime Rushes to Destroy Files Overseas as US Cracks Down on Beijing’s Espionage: Leaked Document.

Chinese interests in the US, the UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand are all included by the Regime in this crack down.  Well, well!

Impact of False Ideology About Truth

The new thinking about truth impacts all facets of life.   About a year ago, I received from an ‘Independent’ journalistic website I was following a paper on the whole subject of truth.  The website covered journalism on many topics, all wrapped up in the delightful, glossy package of ‘free thinking’.    I had decided to subscribe on that basis.

This paper applauded the kind of ideals I’ve outlined above ie that there is no absolute truth – that is a fossil of ‘outmoded’ thinking that must be consigned to the trash. This was quite a lengthy piece filled with journalese and mealy-mouthed snobbery and self-justification.

I have to say, on reading this rubbish, I unsubscribed from the website immediately. I have nothing against freedom of thought, but I DO object most strongly to an organization that tries to strike at the very core of Truth itself. And I will not follow people who have not got the wit or conscience to evaluate independently the statements they are promulgating to others.

The bottom line is, THERE IS A TRUTH – like it or not. It even exists as close to us all as everyday life.

Our world is governed by pretty strict rules of causality, which enable us to function in a predictable manner. I rather doubt those intellectual prophetic ‘brains’ have thought of the logical outcome of the course they are steering in trying to nullify absolute truth.

If they were to plant cannabis seeds and come up with a crop of marigolds, they might be somewhat put out.  Even more so if their own offspring turned out to be a bunch of jackal whelps.

They cannot have it both ways. Either there is an identifiable absolute truth, which runs through the worlds of physical reality, thoughts and ideals, and spiritual reality – or else all is chaos. No doubt they would get around the problem by saying, “Oh yes, there is a physical reality – but thoughts and opinions are different.” Oh yes?? Are we not always being told by the self-help gurus that thoughts can affect things? That what you have in your mind can bring about a physical result? These realities are very closely enmeshed, and it pays to recognize that.

Jesus knew all this. He taught in parables – and not only to make His point clearer. He told a parable about the importance of building a house on a firm foundation (something of which He had about 25 years’ practical business experience from a small boy – all Jews were brought up in a trade: Matthew 7:24-27). He also said to Peter, “…you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18)   The Greek name Petros meant a stone or rock.  Both of these illustrations mingle real life, and spiritual life alike.

If a nation or an individual does not have a firm foundation of truth, its efforts are doomed to failure in the long run.  Just look at world history – assuming the Brave New Order lets you read any.

Instead of taking these precepts seriously, we are allowing a fallacy about truth to impact disastrously on our public life and our children’s future via the education system.

When by God’s grace the President (ie Donald Trump) drains the swamp in the political scene of the United States, it will then be imperative to sort out all the false teaching in schools and Universities that has gone down in recent years. I believe it is true that US Universities have been subverted by CCP dollars. That is REALLY serious, and it is something that must be rectified.

And now, 3 days after I wrote the above, “Trump Appoints Members to 1776 Commission On Patriotic Education”.

Magic Scarves?

“You people are doomed! You sew magic wristbands for everyone and make magic scarves for everyone to wear on their heads, to hunt down lives!  You want to possess the power of life and death over my people and to use it for your own benefit. ”  (Ezekiel 13:18)

What a condemnation!  I am going to state right now that in my view, leaving witchcraft aside, I believe the present day world scene is the most powerful illustration of this scripture passage that has ever occurred in history.

Why would I say that?  Well, look at the facts in 2020, called by some the start of a new era.  Whatever that statement may be intended to mean (and I’ll give my own interpretation later), there is no doubt that this year has seen events of earth-shaking proportions that impacted our lives forever.

The strongest influence for change (and the earliest) was the arrival out of China of the Coronavirus – Covid-19.  It goes without saying that this virus has caused many deaths, much pain, and huge changes in lifestyles across the world – and I would not like it to be thought that I am careless about human suffering and death.  It is however a fact that the world has seen plagues and viruses of similar, and in some cases greater proportions than Covid-19, in the past.  Check out the views of a top pathologist.  In addition, estimated recovery rates from Coronavirus are 97% and 99.75%.

So What’s Different Now?  Why So Much Drama?

Three things:

  • A huge push for world-wide domination by the Globalist, New World Order, Socialist / Communist front.  This push is now centered upon destroying the greatest bastion of freedom that stands in the way of its further expansion – the USA.  Total world domination is the goal.  Covid-19 virus is part of the strategy.
  • The implosion of a once independent world media.  If you watch the news as disseminated on TV today (and many people do), let me tell you, you are being seriously misled.  Mainstream media – along with most social media sites – has caved in to the Socialist ideology and works tirelessly to attack and/or suppress anything that counters the march of Socialism. (see footnote)  It is because of this that most people in America (and worldwide, I might add) are only now waking up to what has been going on for some years below ground in the US political scene.  Why were we not told?  Because the mainstream Media has defected to the Enemy.
  • The shape of politics in the USA has changed radically, via the hijacking of the Democrats into the Socialist / Marxist camp.  The current issue in the 2020 US election is no longer a battle between Republicans and Democrats – not even a battle between Trump and Biden:  it has become a battle between the ideals of Freedom and the ideals of Marxism and Communism.  Implicated in this is a Socialist dominance in the Education system, that was shoe-horned into place (along with insecure election systems) during the 2 pre-Trump Presidential terms.

Covid-19 AS A Political Tool

In view of recent evidence of serious, fraudulent tampering in the 2020 US elections through ballot-processing gear already used in Venezuela and Cuba, in which China is involved, there is a real probability that the Covid-19 virus could have been manufactured in China deliberately to:

  • Facilitate ballot fraud – especially but not solely through the use of mail-in ballots.  “You can’t get in to cast your vote because of Covid? – No problem, just ask for a mail-in ballot form and send it.”  What??
  • Swing the 2020 US election in favor of the Democrats, because China sees Trump as the greatest barrier standing in the way of its own plans for domination.  In addition, there are existing Biden connections with China. A telling quote in an article on The Millennial Source reads, “The running theme in Chinese media is also that Biden is preferred to Trump by the CCP because he would be a more predictable and recognizable leader, adding  “The Biden ranks include many people from the previous two Obama administrations, during which China made great strides on the world stage and experienced little opposition.”  (my  italics)  Given the aggressive nature of the CCP’s foreign policies, connections between China and US government officials are a real concern – likewise the aspirations revealed by the above quote.
  • Put a muzzle on the Church.   Many states targeted Churches with shut down orders to prevent them gathering – notwithstanding the states’ taking no action against rioters massing in the streets – without masks: and a spike in cases followed that.  I believe these shut-down orders were illegal – but part of the (intended) fallout of the Covid pandemic has clearly been to produce a populace of ‘compliant’, fearful sheep.

“I thought US was founded for the purposes of affording freedom of worship and self-determination for all?”  you may say.  So it was – and of course that is evident from the Constitution put in place by the Founding Fathers.  But even the US Constitution is under attack.  As always with Socialism, the attack takes the form of lies, relying on either ignorance or fabrication to hold the story together. Check out this short 1619 Project exposé.

There are 2 reasons (apart from stealthy underhand manipulation) why this has worked so far:

  • The average American has found it hard to believe that anything could shatter the country’s strength and lifestyle.  Hopefully, with fresh news coming out daily on independent news-media, the American people is waking up: as we all are.
  • Young folk generally have no knowledge of the truths of living in a leftist-run country.  They have been fed the Socialist ideology at school and college – and the fake media supports that, as do the social media sites.  What a clever title that is – come to think of it!

The seedbed has been under preparation for many years: it is now time for the weed seeds to be washed away by the crystal-clear waters of Truth!

The Waters Of Truth

The remainder of Ezekiel 13 is worth studying,  I won’t go into it all, but I will quote verses 22-23:

“By your lies you discourage good people, whom I do not wish to hurt. You prevent evil people from giving up evil and saving their lives.  So now your false visions and misleading predictions are over. I am rescuing my people from your power, so that you will know that I am the Lord.”

That could have been written precisely for this day.  The picture is starting to become clear – and, believe me, the game is far from over!

PS:  Free yourself from deception by totally avoiding the following media outlets which have now become leftist propaganda machines – CNN, MSN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and many anchors on Fox.  Do not pollute your mind – and note that the following platforms are heavily censored by leftists: Twitter, Facebook, Youtube.  Google also tweaks results politically.  That was abundantly evident even during the run-up to the 2016 US Election.  Also beware of The New York Times and  The Washington Post – both have lost all commitment to independent reporting  (USAGM video).

Instead, check out NewsWars, Newsmax, NTD News, The Epoch Times, One America News, Voice Of America, USAGM – for starters.  Also Tierney Real News Network aggregation of news (a private site but WELL WORTH LOOKING AT). Especially their post HERE.  I see their Facebook page has been closed down – that speaks for itself.  Look also at Deep Capture  – classical liberal overview from a tech perspective.

Christian:  Breaking Christian News, CBN, Victory Update,

If you want a less censored social media platform, try Xapit (Christian based, no censorship – only general rules of good manners apply).

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Absolute Truth

To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.  Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”.  (John 8 30-32)

Jesus was speaking in the Temple courtyards of Jerusalem, during a discussion with ‘the Jews’ (John’s term for the religious elders of the day), who were starting to show their hand openly in their attempts to trap and destroy Him.

Erosion of Standards and Values

This scripture is especially applicable in today’s world. We are at a tipping point now in the history of mankind when there is a serious attack going on against the concept of Truth – not only in the ivory towers of philosophic discussion, not only in the Media, not only in the US electoral process: this attack is impinging on crucial aspects of real life: the education of children and young people being one of them.

The Pharisees of the present day – the ‘intellectuals’ – are hell-bent on denying the concept of absolute Truth. By their standards, absolute Truth is old-fashioned and outmoded, and has already been relegated to the trash. I kid you not – a highfalutin intellectual media website recently published such garbage in all seriousness.

This new thinking has already impacted on education, where students are now encouraged to give whatever answer to a question they think fit – and it seems that all answers will be marked ‘correct’.


Likewise one man’s idea is seen as being as good as any man’s – on any subject: a trend pushed even further by the entrenched Internet rituals of ‘liking’ and ‘commenting’ on anything and everything on Facebook, blogs and websites and, apparently even as part of the education process.

The ultimate outcome of all this can only be a complete erosion of standards and values.

Attack On the Values Of Society

Frankly, I view this as an attempt by the enemy to tear down the foundations of our society – and I use that word in an all-encompassing sense of societies in general (other than those founded on Marxist, Socialist principles, because that’s what this evil doctrine is based on). It is also, of course, a direct attack on God, who is Truth, and His Word.  If followed and allowed to run its course, this trend will produce anarchy.

We have already seen anarchy operating in the streets of America – the land of the free and the home of the brave:  unthinkable a few years ago!

No doubt about it – we are coming close to the end times. Jesus foresaw these events clearly:

“Many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold,” (Matthew 24:11-12)

All this foreseen and recorded by the Prophet Isaiah  nearly 3000 years ago: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness…”  (Isaiah 5:20)   Woe indeed!

There Must Be “Truth”

Here we are in a world governed by strict rules of causality, set up by the Creator to enable life on earth to function in a predictable manner. If you leap from a seven story window, you will assuredly hit the ground in the most unfortunate way.  But at the same time, we can rely daily on the forces of gravity to make life on this planet livable for us and all other living creatures:  just one example.

I rather doubt those intellectual so-called ‘experts’ who put forward these ‘progressive’ ideas have thought of the logical outcome of the course they are steering in trying to nullify absolute Truth.

If they were to plant cannabis seeds and come up with a crop of marigolds, they might be somewhat put out: even more so if their own offspring turned out to be a bunch of jackal whelps one day.

They cannot have it both ways. Either there is an identifiable absolute Truth, or else all is chaos.

Jesus’ words and sayings throughout the New Testament are consistent with the importance of understanding the Truth – and His behavior throughout His life was an impeccable testimony to His words.

Note:  I am not an American citizen, but my aunt lived in Boston MA for many years, and I spent as few weeks there after her death.  That has brought me to a deep affection for the USA – the Home of the Free, and the Hope of the Free, worldwide.  Repent of your sins, Stand up and Return to your former glory, USA!

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