Ready or Not, Here I Come!

Nathan French, Gig Harbor, WA

Prophetic word of the Lord given on February 27, 2021:

“Giant Slayers:  I am breaking down the systems that hinder My movement. I am releasing, by My Spirit, a tidal wave – not for destruction but for cleansing and empowerment. I will build up My fearless giant slayers in this hour.

Political Scene

“The political scene has been overtaken by fake news and information whores; those who prostitute the truth for lies because they love money and power. The love of money, as a root, is being dug out in this season. I am going after everything that is false and revealing to those who want truth, how to work with Heaven. Companies of people that come against My established truth and attempt to censor Me, the Lord GOD, have picked a fight with Heaven, and I tell you the truth, I am not going down.


“Hear the sound of many waters. Quickly repent if you have stood against Me, the Lord God Almighty. This dam is about ready to break. I replace every curse with blessing and destroy what the enemy sets up, as I use those chosen based on many factors.

“No one is perfect and I am gracious, but I am not leaving My throne. It’s not over. This battle has just begun and I will always seek to minimize causalities. There are reasons I wait for timing. Because I live outside of time, I see what affect that moving too soon could have. I use delay and I operate with the desired end in mind.

Faith and Love

“I have given free will because I love, and My love works by your faith. My faith works by love. My love in you brings My faith in you. Your faith in Me brings My love to you. Have faith and pray. Prayer prepares the way. Be ready to move as an individual. Every individual that follows My Spirit begins to connect with others who follow My Spirit. Many parts working together multiply the impact. You are not meant to work with everyone, so be sensitive on the who, the what, the when, and the where – not so much on the why.

Follow Me

“Following My Spirit is, in itself, an act of surrender and a point of divine connection bringing expansion. I am bringing together My tapestry, building up persons who will yield to My will to call on helpers to build the nets for the catch that is My harvest. Is it Trump? Is it Biden? What I am doing is much bigger than any one man or single woman.

“Look how I have used so many individual people in the past, and I shall continue to use each one who partners with Heaven’s army. One obedient servant can change the whole world, but remember that it is I who works in you both to will and to do according to My good pleasure.”

“Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” (Philippians 2:12-13)

A Massive Harvest

“Is it this group or that? People want to know and understand but many are missing the deeper meaning. I am using all things to work for good.”

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

“Yes, I have a plan to bring in a massive harvest of souls. He who wins souls is wise. Kingdom funding is for souls and the wealth transfer is coming for this purpose. I am not just trying to provide comfort. I am releasing a revolution! [Revolution definition: a sudden, complete, or radical change in something.] Big names will fade, but My name as the King of kings will not, for I am with My Father and He is with Me. The Holy Spirit is with you and all who will believe and receive and respond in faith and obedient willingness to yield to My will.

Third Great Awakening

“You shall be the partakers in this third great awakening! Live like you know Heaven is at hand.”

“And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.'” (Matthew 10:7)

“My Kingdom has no end and My hosts are here to do business with those who think partnering with a defeated foe is the way to win. The reigning champion is about to make an appearance. There’s fire in My eyes and power in My wings. Angels are rushing forward to the assigned posts. Welcome to the ring! Choose your side.

“Heaven is open and this earth and all that is in it is My creation, and My creation must look to Me, the Creator, for salvation, because the fate of those who do not shall be sealed. Grab My hand while you still can. I am the Lord and I have a plan!”

Nathan French
Nathan French Ministries

First published on The Elijah List.

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Church And State 1

I am going to make a statement that some will no doubt regard as very controversial.

Never mind.

We all need to be brought face to face with a different reality from time to time, and that is exactly what is happening in the world right now, for those who have the eyes and the wisdom to see it.

The view that the Church “should not be involved in politics” has been around for many years. It is a false doctrine that has emasculated Christ’s ecclesia for decades, and unfortunately we are seeing the results running rampant in the world – centered for now on the American political scene, where the greatest battle of all times (beyond even politics) is being played out before the eyes of the whole world.

And many in the Body Of Christ are busy excusing themselves from any form of engagement in this battle on the principle that the Church should not be involved in such matters.

This false doctrine has brought about a major dumbing down of the Church, and of the traditionally brave American psyche. It has allowed soulless, mindless leftist doctrine to take absolute hold of our Seven Mountains of Influence – media, government, education, economy, family, religion, and arts/entertainment – pretty much without any form of opposition from those who espouse traditional values.

Leftist organizations preach tolerance and equal rights. That is their ideology, aimed at winning votes. But the reality of leftist doctrine is intolerance, bigotry, suppression of all opposition, and the complete entrenchment of ‘The Party’. This is dominance at its worst – just look at any country that has been living for a period of time under any socialist rule: Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, China. Look at the poverty, death and oppression they inflict on their people. Don’t think it can’t happen to you.  Plans for it to happen are under way right now.

You Will Know Them By Their Fruits

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits.”

As always, Jesus cuts through the garbage and comes to the crux of the matter.

He continues, “Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them.“ (Matthew 7:15-20)

He was absolutely right. Anyone with half a brain who does their research diligently in this day and age can find  plenty of facts to exemplify this truth. We should be following it and teaching it to all young people, should we not?


In addition, we now have an extra problem. The left has taken control of the Seven Mountains – most dangerously the mountains of media and education:

  • Mainstream media no longer reports truth, no longer reports even 2 sides of the story – it has become an exclusively left propaganda machine, suppressing all other information.;
  • Education has become indoctrination. Young people are being taught to hate everything that America and the free world stands for, and even worse they are NOT being taught to think for themselves. An exclusive propaganda machine in schools and colleges.
(c) 2006 Bonnie Jacobs

One-Eyed Vision

The great danger in all this is a one-sided view of the world.

The first colonists of America came fleeing from British oppression – high taxation, religious persecution. The American Constitution was based on godly principles.  Note I didn’t say ‘religious principles’ – what human religion did over the centuries to the principles laid out by Christ has at times been horrific.   But that fact does not invalidate what He stood for, nor the power of His message to bring healing and peace.

Truth is, we have fallen off the track – on both sides:

  • On one hand, we fell into godlessness and prayerlessness – hung up on Marxist/Socialist doctrines or sheer uncaring greed and egotistic self-determination.
  • On the other hand we fell into legalism – insistence by certain sectors of the Church that it is the Church’s business to stay out of politics, indulge itself in doctrinal argument, hunker down in its precious Church buildings, and weather the storm in seclusion.  In other words, don’t rock the boat.  Does this not remind you of ‘the Jews’ in Jesus’ day?

Clearly, neither of these options is the answer.

Thank God for His current intervention in the situation, at the invitation of His thousands of praying saints (many of whom, I believe do not belong to established ‘churches’). We need to get back to the real roots on which the mountain of politics was established by God’s grace in the USA – the words of the American Constitution.

I am not advocating ‘control by religion’ – heaven forbid!  I am advocating a fair and free exchange of the ideals of citizens working together under the principles set out in a fair and unbiased legal document, such as the US Constitution.

NOTE:  The concept of ‘separation of powers’ is a purely political concept, by which government is organized into legislative, executive and judicial branches.  It has nothing to do with the position of the church – although it may have contributed to the spurious interpretation of ‘separation of church and state’.

More to follow.


“… their foot shall slip in due time; for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things to come hasten upon them.”

In other words, there IS Justice, there IS a Truth, and its operation is ultimately in the hands of God.  (Deut 32:35)

Truth, according to many people involved in today’s push for change, is a moveable feast. Your truth is as valid as my truth; you are fully entitled to create your own truth, to set up your own rules, and to have TOTAL control over your own life. Blah … blah …

This revolution in thought sounds alluring – and that is the intention. It has been ‘in the works’ for many years, by the way. The problem is, those presenting it offer only one side of the story. We see this lopsided thinking playing out not only in education, but also in the daily realities of life – and, of course most noticeably on the political scene. Right now, America is having the greatest difficulty with uncovering the truth behind the current scandals in the 2020 US Election.

It’s not that these truths are not there – objective truths at that – ‘facts’ as the law calls them. The issue is that so many people have been led to believe that truth doesn’t really matter – that ‘near enough is good enough’ or even worse that lies are as good as truth.

And there are plenty of people right now telling one lie after another to cover their backsides and protect their position, wealth and power.

Some people in the US are saying, “Aaah, just let it be…”

What A Nation Stands For

That is a huge mistake. There is a national psyche – there is a national ethos at stake. It was originally enshrined in The American Constitution by men who really knew far more than the Constitution’s detractors do today.

That ethic has been allowed to slip over the years, and the current mess is the result. Some of this is deliberate, on the part of those in power who were and are still aiming for the country’s demise for what they see as their own benefit (it’s called treason).   Some of it is unintentional, in that the American people did not see or understand what was going on.  The Mainstream Media cabal is up to its elbows in blame for that, as more and more people are coming to realize.

For years USA has been under a two-pronged attack:

  • degrading the systems of America’s government and overseas policies, by former administrations, and
  • degrading the country’s educational process and moral standards, again by former administrations.

Note this recent article about long-term CCP investment in espionage operations to infiltrate U.S. politics.

The operation was “beautifully handled” in the way it combined both intelligence gathering and political influence, said Nicholas Eftimiades, a former senior U.S. intelligence official and author of the book “Chinese Intelligence Operations,” in an interview with The Epoch Times.

Note also:  Chinese Regime Rushes to Destroy Files Overseas as US Cracks Down on Beijing’s Espionage: Leaked Document.

Chinese interests in the US, the UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand are all included by the Regime in this crack down.  Well, well!

Impact of False Ideology About Truth

The new thinking about truth impacts all facets of life.   About a year ago, I received from an ‘Independent’ journalistic website I was following a paper on the whole subject of truth.  The website covered journalism on many topics, all wrapped up in the delightful, glossy package of ‘free thinking’.    I had decided to subscribe on that basis.

This paper applauded the kind of ideals I’ve outlined above ie that there is no absolute truth – that is a fossil of ‘outmoded’ thinking that must be consigned to the trash. This was quite a lengthy piece filled with journalese and mealy-mouthed snobbery and self-justification.

I have to say, on reading this rubbish, I unsubscribed from the website immediately. I have nothing against freedom of thought, but I DO object most strongly to an organization that tries to strike at the very core of Truth itself. And I will not follow people who have not got the wit or conscience to evaluate independently the statements they are promulgating to others.

The bottom line is, THERE IS A TRUTH – like it or not. It even exists as close to us all as everyday life.

Our world is governed by pretty strict rules of causality, which enable us to function in a predictable manner. I rather doubt those intellectual prophetic ‘brains’ have thought of the logical outcome of the course they are steering in trying to nullify absolute truth.

If they were to plant cannabis seeds and come up with a crop of marigolds, they might be somewhat put out.  Even more so if their own offspring turned out to be a bunch of jackal whelps.

They cannot have it both ways. Either there is an identifiable absolute truth, which runs through the worlds of physical reality, thoughts and ideals, and spiritual reality – or else all is chaos. No doubt they would get around the problem by saying, “Oh yes, there is a physical reality – but thoughts and opinions are different.” Oh yes?? Are we not always being told by the self-help gurus that thoughts can affect things? That what you have in your mind can bring about a physical result? These realities are very closely enmeshed, and it pays to recognize that.

Jesus knew all this. He taught in parables – and not only to make His point clearer. He told a parable about the importance of building a house on a firm foundation (something of which He had about 25 years’ practical business experience from a small boy – all Jews were brought up in a trade: Matthew 7:24-27). He also said to Peter, “…you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18)   The Greek name Petros meant a stone or rock.  Both of these illustrations mingle real life, and spiritual life alike.

If a nation or an individual does not have a firm foundation of truth, its efforts are doomed to failure in the long run.  Just look at world history – assuming the Brave New Order lets you read any.

Instead of taking these precepts seriously, we are allowing a fallacy about truth to impact disastrously on our public life and our children’s future via the education system.

When by God’s grace the President (ie Donald Trump) drains the swamp in the political scene of the United States, it will then be imperative to sort out all the false teaching in schools and Universities that has gone down in recent years. I believe it is true that US Universities have been subverted by CCP dollars. That is REALLY serious, and it is something that must be rectified.

And now, 3 days after I wrote the above, “Trump Appoints Members to 1776 Commission On Patriotic Education”.


deception-iconAs I waited in line at the supermarket checkout a few days ago and watched all the people hurrying to and fro, two questions flashed into my mind:

1) How many of these people know where they are going when the world ends? (As in its present form it surely will).
2) How many of these people know what is REALLY happening in world politics right now?


Everyone was rushing around with their trolleys, their groceries, and in some cases their kids. It was not a good feeling at all to realise that the answer to both questions is most likely, “Very, very few.”

The Great Deceiver is at work as usual, keeping us all busy with life’s little problems – so we ignore the big ones.

“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” 2 Timothy 3:13.  This is part of what the Bible says about the end times – and we are in the beginning of the end times right now. Deception of people and of nations is rampant.  Do you know where to go to get enlightened explanations of world news and events?  Sadly, mainstream media has become yet another part of The Deception.  There are better places to go for your news update.

If you want more information, go HERE.

On the Israel question, I strongly recommend you watch THIS VIDEO.

“Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear.”

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