Absolute Truth

To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.  Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”.  (John 8 30-32)

Jesus was speaking in the Temple courtyards of Jerusalem, during a discussion with ‘the Jews’ (John’s term for the religious elders of the day), who were starting to show their hand openly in their attempts to trap and destroy Him.

Erosion of Standards and Values

This scripture is especially applicable in today’s world. We are at a tipping point now in the history of mankind when there is a serious attack going on against the concept of Truth – not only in the ivory towers of philosophic discussion, not only in the Media, not only in the US electoral process: this attack is impinging on crucial aspects of real life: the education of children and young people being one of them.

The Pharisees of the present day – the ‘intellectuals’ – are hell-bent on denying the concept of absolute Truth. By their standards, absolute Truth is old-fashioned and outmoded, and has already been relegated to the trash. I kid you not – a highfalutin intellectual media website recently published such garbage in all seriousness.

This new thinking has already impacted on education, where students are now encouraged to give whatever answer to a question they think fit – and it seems that all answers will be marked ‘correct’.


Likewise one man’s idea is seen as being as good as any man’s – on any subject: a trend pushed even further by the entrenched Internet rituals of ‘liking’ and ‘commenting’ on anything and everything on Facebook, blogs and websites and, apparently even as part of the education process.

The ultimate outcome of all this can only be a complete erosion of standards and values.

Attack On the Values Of Society

Frankly, I view this as an attempt by the enemy to tear down the foundations of our society – and I use that word in an all-encompassing sense of societies in general (other than those founded on Marxist, Socialist principles, because that’s what this evil doctrine is based on). It is also, of course, a direct attack on God, who is Truth, and His Word.  If followed and allowed to run its course, this trend will produce anarchy.

We have already seen anarchy operating in the streets of America – the land of the free and the home of the brave:  unthinkable a few years ago!

No doubt about it – we are coming close to the end times. Jesus foresaw these events clearly:

“Many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold,” (Matthew 24:11-12)

All this foreseen and recorded by the Prophet Isaiah  nearly 3000 years ago: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness…”  (Isaiah 5:20)   Woe indeed!

There Must Be “Truth”

Here we are in a world governed by strict rules of causality, set up by the Creator to enable life on earth to function in a predictable manner. If you leap from a seven story window, you will assuredly hit the ground in the most unfortunate way.  But at the same time, we can rely daily on the forces of gravity to make life on this planet livable for us and all other living creatures:  just one example.

I rather doubt those intellectual so-called ‘experts’ who put forward these ‘progressive’ ideas have thought of the logical outcome of the course they are steering in trying to nullify absolute Truth.

If they were to plant cannabis seeds and come up with a crop of marigolds, they might be somewhat put out: even more so if their own offspring turned out to be a bunch of jackal whelps one day.

They cannot have it both ways. Either there is an identifiable absolute Truth, or else all is chaos.

Jesus’ words and sayings throughout the New Testament are consistent with the importance of understanding the Truth – and His behavior throughout His life was an impeccable testimony to His words.

Note:  I am not an American citizen, but my aunt lived in Boston MA for many years, and I spent as few weeks there after her death.  That has brought me to a deep affection for the USA – the Home of the Free, and the Hope of the Free, worldwide.  Repent of your sins, Stand up and Return to your former glory, USA!

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