Forsake The Foolish And LIVE!

Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding. (Proverbs 9:6)

Precious advice! Reject foolish friends and influences! Life, a blessed and peaceful life pleasing God and men, depends on it. Get away from fools. Go in the way – choose the lifestyle – of understanding. Live a godly and wise life. Let no one hinder or tempt you in other directions. Your survival, and your family’s, is at stake. Foolish friends will take you down. Solomon warned about this danger often (Proverbs 4:15; 5:8; 13:20; 19:27; 25:5).

Lady Wisdom’s first piece of advice, after offering a fabulous home and feast for simple men, is to forsake fools and choose the way of wisdom (Proverbs 9:1-5). The single best thing you can do for yourself is to cut off fools and their influence. Bad company will drag you down and destroy your life, no matter how strong you think you are.

If you want to live, really live, get away from fools, and choose a godly life of wisdom and understanding.

It is a simple concept – foolish influences corrupt good manners (I Corinthians 15:33). Yet Paul had to warn, “Be not deceived.” Your heart, agreeing with Satan to destroy you, will justify foolish influences. Satan whispers, “They will not affect you,” or, “You should not be unfriendly,” or, “Everyone is doing it, and they’re okay,” or worst of all, “You might influence them for good.”

You may be trying to justify foolish influences at this moment.

Examples From History

  • Consider Lot. He did not fear Sodom’s influence. The better job was worth the risk. He and his family would be okay. After all, he was Abraham’s nephew. He chose a house near Sodom; then he moved into the city; then he joined the city council; then he let three daughters marry local men. He did not forsake the foolish at all. They destroyed him, his wife, and all five daughters. What a disgraceful and wicked waste of seven lives!
  • Consider Rehoboam. He was Solomon’s son and the object of many proverbs. But he rejected his father’s wise counselors and chose college buddies for advice. Did it affect his life? Oh, yes!  In just one generation, he lost his father’s great nation and its glorious prosperity, as ten of Israel’s tribes rejected him and formed a new nation. What a disgusting waste!
  • Consider Jehoshaphat. A descendant of David and a great king of Judah, he chose to be a friend to Ahab, the pagan and profane king of Israel. He let his son marry Ahab’s daughter. This union with a compromising and wicked man cost him blessings and peace in his reign, for the Lord was angry with him for the relationship. Then God tore three of his descendants out of the royal genealogy of Jesus Christ for the ungodly alliance.

How Do We Apply This?

Here is the issue for you! What is your Sodom? Who are your counselors? Who is your Ahab? Have you rejected fools in your children’s schooling, in your employment or profession, in your church, in your family, and in your family’s friends? Any friend or influence not equal to or greater in holiness and wisdom than you are will eventually drag you down to their level. Guaranteed! Do not lie to yourself about this certain fact.

How do you choose friends? David chose them this way: “I am a companion of all them that fear thee, and of them that keep thy precepts” (Psalm 119:63). And, “A froward heart shall depart from me: I will not know a wicked person” (Psalm 101:4). He was very selective in his friends. Are you? Of course, you will have fewer friends this way, but that saves time and bother. Who needs extra friends, especially when they are destroying you?

All your friends are Christians? Really? How selective! Fully one-third of the earth is Christian. Does that make them all lovers of truth and wisdom? Religious people falsely accused Jesus and crucified Him. Your standards are way, way too low. Real Christians live holy lives of self-denial, do not like earthly things, believe exactly what Paul taught, and are spiritually minded (Titus 2:11-14; Philippians 3:18-19; Romans 16:17-18; 8:5-9).

What about television? Do you read wisdom in the morning, blasting foolishness, and then watch it in the evening? David said, “I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me” (Psalm 101:3).

A television is morally neutral – when it is off! It is a damnable device of hell – when it is on! There are very few minutes of programming on any channel that Lady Wisdom would endorse.

The very best television programming is godless, void of wisdom, and glorifying a false philosophy of humanism, hopelessness, and carnality. The evil message spewing from its images and sounds destroys souls – especially vulnerable children mesmerized by its total captivation of their eyes and ears. Its most “wholesome” programming never promotes faith, godliness, marriage, prayer, doctrine, spirituality, truth, fathers, the Bible, etc.

The influence of the foolish can be subtle. Foolish friends apparently getting away with sin dull your hatred for it; their lack of spiritual conversation represses yours; and their cheerful encouragement for you to join them creates a strong temptation. Television presentations of a godless and carnal lifestyle numb your sensitivity to spiritual thinking and holy living. The powerful audio-video glorification of sin greatly excites your lusts.

What about your church? Most churches today use folly to keep the children, soothe the unregenerate, and increase attendance and cash flow. Is every word from the pulpit, and every activity of the church, defendable by Scripture alone? If it is not, then you are choosing folly even in your religion. Evil communications corrupt good manners there as well as anywhere (I Corinthians 15:33).

Measured by an effeminate manual from denominational headquarters, your church may pass as wise. But if by the Word of God, it well may not!

Parent, would you let your child spend the night with a serial child molester or murderer? You resent even the question! But Lady Wisdom right here warns you that foolish influences will destroy their lives. Do you see the danger? Their souls are far more important than their bodies. How can you let them choose their own friends, listen to their own music, select their own spouse, or have a television in their own room – all without guidance?

Real Danger

The danger is clear! The fork in the road is right before you! To the left is the wide-open gate that leads to hell. Everyone else is entering that gate with laughter and a great community spirit – and they call for you to travel with them. To the right is a very restrictive and confining gate that leads to life. Hardly anyone at all is entering that gate, and they seem unusually sober and grave about it.

Run for it, reader! And run through it!

Your heart is desperately wicked and lies to you more than you know (Jeremiah 17:9). Without God’s grace and diligent care, you will default to folly and sin. But exposing yourself to folly in any form is certain disaster. It will take you down! Instead, “Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof” (Romans 13:14).

To walk uprightly before God is to keep yourself unspotted from the world (James 1:27).

————————   Re-published with permission   ————————

To the above information, I add the following advice re having wisdom to discern these US election times:

Check the latest:   Troubling Foreign Ties Behind Voting Machines Used In US.   Also Tucker on How China Owns Biden and has Deep Connections with Top Democrat Officials   If the whole thing does not play, find it on YouTube.

Free yourself from deception by totally avoiding the following media outlets which have now become leftist propaganda machines – CNN, MSN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, even some parts of Fox. Also beware of The New York Times and The Washington Post – both have lost all commitment to independent reporting  (USAGM video).

Instead, check out NewsWars, Newsmax, NTD News, The Epoch Times, One America News, Voice Of America, USAGM – for starters. Also Tierney Real News Network aggregation of news (a private site but WELL WORTH LOOKING AT).  Especially their post HERE.  I see their Facebook page has been closed down – that speaks for itself.

Be sure to look also at Deep Capture – classical liberal overview from a tech perspective.

Christian: Breaking Christian News, CBN, Victory Update

SCOTUS Docket forces States to respond – video

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Magic Scarves?

“You people are doomed! You sew magic wristbands for everyone and make magic scarves for everyone to wear on their heads, to hunt down lives!  You want to possess the power of life and death over my people and to use it for your own benefit. ”  (Ezekiel 13:18)

What a condemnation!  I am going to state right now that in my view, leaving witchcraft aside, I believe the present day world scene is the most powerful illustration of this scripture passage that has ever occurred in history.

Why would I say that?  Well, look at the facts in 2020, called by some the start of a new era.  Whatever that statement may be intended to mean (and I’ll give my own interpretation later), there is no doubt that this year has seen events of earth-shaking proportions that impacted our lives forever.

The strongest influence for change (and the earliest) was the arrival out of China of the Coronavirus – Covid-19.  It goes without saying that this virus has caused many deaths, much pain, and huge changes in lifestyles across the world – and I would not like it to be thought that I am careless about human suffering and death.  It is however a fact that the world has seen plagues and viruses of similar, and in some cases greater proportions than Covid-19, in the past.  Check out the views of a top pathologist.  In addition, estimated recovery rates from Coronavirus are 97% and 99.75%.

So What’s Different Now?  Why So Much Drama?

Three things:

  • A huge push for world-wide domination by the Globalist, New World Order, Socialist / Communist front.  This push is now centered upon destroying the greatest bastion of freedom that stands in the way of its further expansion – the USA.  Total world domination is the goal.  Covid-19 virus is part of the strategy.
  • The implosion of a once independent world media.  If you watch the news as disseminated on TV today (and many people do), let me tell you, you are being seriously misled.  Mainstream media – along with most social media sites – has caved in to the Socialist ideology and works tirelessly to attack and/or suppress anything that counters the march of Socialism. (see footnote)  It is because of this that most people in America (and worldwide, I might add) are only now waking up to what has been going on for some years below ground in the US political scene.  Why were we not told?  Because the mainstream Media has defected to the Enemy.
  • The shape of politics in the USA has changed radically, via the hijacking of the Democrats into the Socialist / Marxist camp.  The current issue in the 2020 US election is no longer a battle between Republicans and Democrats – not even a battle between Trump and Biden:  it has become a battle between the ideals of Freedom and the ideals of Marxism and Communism.  Implicated in this is a Socialist dominance in the Education system, that was shoe-horned into place (along with insecure election systems) during the 2 pre-Trump Presidential terms.

Covid-19 AS A Political Tool

In view of recent evidence of serious, fraudulent tampering in the 2020 US elections through ballot-processing gear already used in Venezuela and Cuba, in which China is involved, there is a real probability that the Covid-19 virus could have been manufactured in China deliberately to:

  • Facilitate ballot fraud – especially but not solely through the use of mail-in ballots.  “You can’t get in to cast your vote because of Covid? – No problem, just ask for a mail-in ballot form and send it.”  What??
  • Swing the 2020 US election in favor of the Democrats, because China sees Trump as the greatest barrier standing in the way of its own plans for domination.  In addition, there are existing Biden connections with China. A telling quote in an article on The Millennial Source reads, “The running theme in Chinese media is also that Biden is preferred to Trump by the CCP because he would be a more predictable and recognizable leader, adding  “The Biden ranks include many people from the previous two Obama administrations, during which China made great strides on the world stage and experienced little opposition.”  (my  italics)  Given the aggressive nature of the CCP’s foreign policies, connections between China and US government officials are a real concern – likewise the aspirations revealed by the above quote.
  • Put a muzzle on the Church.   Many states targeted Churches with shut down orders to prevent them gathering – notwithstanding the states’ taking no action against rioters massing in the streets – without masks: and a spike in cases followed that.  I believe these shut-down orders were illegal – but part of the (intended) fallout of the Covid pandemic has clearly been to produce a populace of ‘compliant’, fearful sheep.

“I thought US was founded for the purposes of affording freedom of worship and self-determination for all?”  you may say.  So it was – and of course that is evident from the Constitution put in place by the Founding Fathers.  But even the US Constitution is under attack.  As always with Socialism, the attack takes the form of lies, relying on either ignorance or fabrication to hold the story together. Check out this short 1619 Project exposé.

There are 2 reasons (apart from stealthy underhand manipulation) why this has worked so far:

  • The average American has found it hard to believe that anything could shatter the country’s strength and lifestyle.  Hopefully, with fresh news coming out daily on independent news-media, the American people is waking up: as we all are.
  • Young folk generally have no knowledge of the truths of living in a leftist-run country.  They have been fed the Socialist ideology at school and college – and the fake media supports that, as do the social media sites.  What a clever title that is – come to think of it!

The seedbed has been under preparation for many years: it is now time for the weed seeds to be washed away by the crystal-clear waters of Truth!

The Waters Of Truth

The remainder of Ezekiel 13 is worth studying,  I won’t go into it all, but I will quote verses 22-23:

“By your lies you discourage good people, whom I do not wish to hurt. You prevent evil people from giving up evil and saving their lives.  So now your false visions and misleading predictions are over. I am rescuing my people from your power, so that you will know that I am the Lord.”

That could have been written precisely for this day.  The picture is starting to become clear – and, believe me, the game is far from over!

PS:  Free yourself from deception by totally avoiding the following media outlets which have now become leftist propaganda machines – CNN, MSN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and many anchors on Fox.  Do not pollute your mind – and note that the following platforms are heavily censored by leftists: Twitter, Facebook, Youtube.  Google also tweaks results politically.  That was abundantly evident even during the run-up to the 2016 US Election.  Also beware of The New York Times and  The Washington Post – both have lost all commitment to independent reporting  (USAGM video).

Instead, check out NewsWars, Newsmax, NTD News, The Epoch Times, One America News, Voice Of America, USAGM – for starters.  Also Tierney Real News Network aggregation of news (a private site but WELL WORTH LOOKING AT). Especially their post HERE.  I see their Facebook page has been closed down – that speaks for itself.  Look also at Deep Capture  – classical liberal overview from a tech perspective.

Christian:  Breaking Christian News, CBN, Victory Update,

If you want a less censored social media platform, try Xapit (Christian based, no censorship – only general rules of good manners apply).

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